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We Are In The Greatest Industry For Building Wealth. Let's Use This To Our Advantage To Provide A Path To Freedom For Everyone.

Before I started in the real estate industry, I worked in the non-profit sector. I didn't make a ton of money, yet we served a great cause which kept me moving forward in my career for ten years. I was then introduced to an opportunity in real estate.

Having not been in the industry before, I assumed it was filled with people making money hand over fist and building incredibly large nest eggs to retire early and live a life of financial freedom that I only imagined having spent 10 years in a non-profit.

I quickly learned there are a lot of people doing that. Sales through the roof. Investment properties in a large portfolio. Huge egos. Large incomes.Yet I also learned about a TON of people in real estate that didn't live like that. They tended to fall into 2 main groups.

 Group 1: They didn't know when their next paycheck was coming. They couldn't pay their bills. They were scraping by just to be able to afford to stay in the industry hoping their big break would...

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