Michelle Spalding - Having Success In Real Estate & All Areas Of Life


Success in one area of your life does not have to come at the expense of other areas of your life. Too many times people in real estate are so focused on numbers for the sake of bragging that they leave other areas of their life a mess. Michelle Spalding has committed to helping people create businesses that suit the lifestyle that they desire. With over 26 years of experience in the real estate industry, she's been a transaction coordinator, started a transaction coordinator training academy, and now helps people start and launch their own businesses. She's focused on helping people reclaim their own version of success in whatever they do. With this episode coming at the end of the year, listen and think about what you want your next year to look like, and orchestrate a plan to get you there with Michelle's help and advise.


In this episode, hosted by Mike Swenson, we discussed:

  • Michelle's important exercise to take a holistic assessment...
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