Holly Brink: 5X Brokerage Growth in 4 Years


What does a Designated Managing Broker (DMB) do and what does a day look like for them? Meet Holly Brink, the Designate Managing Broker for eXp Realty in the state of Iowa. When she took on the role back in 2019, she oversaw 69 agents. Fast forward to today, and they now have 330 agents, almost 5X growth in 4 years. Born and raised in Arizona, Holly has been in real estate for over 15 years, focusing on residential sales since 2011. After starting in Arizona, Holly moved to Iowa in 2016 and quickly became a successful agent in the state prior to taking the DMB role in 2019. When she's not doing real estate, Holly is busy creating content for her social media accounts or spending quality time with her two children.


In this episode hosted by Mike Swenson, we discussed:

  • How Holly took the interim opportunity to be the Designated Managing Broker in Iowa, and turned it into her full-time role 
  • As DMB, knowing how to take care of all the...
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Margaret "Mo" Smith: Bringing Soul Back Into Your Business


If you want to feel inspired and motivated to take the next steps in your business, spend some time with Margaret "Mo" Smith! Prior to her time in the real estate industry, Mo worked at the Seattle Art Museum and was an Assistant Volleyball Coach for Northwest University and obtained her Masters in Social Work Degree. She then became the Director of Operations for Pickett Street Properties in Bothell, WA before launching her own company called I Love It When, which does coaching, retreats, workshops, and so much more. In addition, she utilized the FHA 203k loan to help purchase and renovate 2 duplexes, making over 95k on her first property. Mo shares her journey of discovery in launching her own business and inspiring and empowering leaders to be exactly who you are!


In this episode hosted by Mike Swenson, we discussed:

  • How Mo learned to the lesson to listen internally to make changes in her life before it get to a point of frustration
  • How...
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Jake Dixon: Helping Real Estate Agents Succeed


Jake Dixon is unapologetically passionate about helping real estate agents that currently close fewer than 24 homes per year, which according to the National Association of Realtors makes up 90% of the population. He is the founder and CEO of The Locker Room Real Estate Coaching & Training organization that partners with broker-owners and their agents to increase growth, retention, productivity and profitability, which has been around since 2016. Jake was selected as one of the Top 50 Real Estate Coaches in 2021 by Agent Fire and was named a Top Real Estate Coach for 2022 by Coach Foundation. Prior to founding The Locker Room, Jake graduated from the University of North Florida and played college and professional baseball. Jake discussed how agents can be successful in this market and how he started and grew his coaching and training organization to be one that is well respected in the industry.


In this episode hosted by Mike Swenson, we...

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How To Analyze An Investment Property

How do you know if you have a good investment deal? Knowing your numbers is a great place to start! Don't let uncertainty of not knowing how to analyze a real estate investment deal keep you from getting started on your investment journey. 

When I work with clients, I often tell them, "I'm incentivized to do a good job for you to pick a great property, because if you're going to make money on this property, it's going to help you to buy more." However, analysis paralysis is real, so we have to find a way to quickly and efficiently look at a deal and decide if it's worth spending more time, or moving onto the next deal.

Too many times investors are sitting back and waiting for the "homerun" deal. The deal of a lifetime. Yet if you're looking to build a portfolio of many properties, you need to have some singles, doubles, and triples in your portfolio too! Waiting to only move on that homerun is going to set you back from getting started, learning...

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What Money Can I Use to Invest in Real Estate?

"I don't have a lot of cash on hand, so therefore, I don't think that I can invest in real estate." We hear that objection all of the time when talking with people about investing in real estate. Stop for a minute....pause...and allow your mind to expand and think bigger.

You deserve so much more in your life, and if you let this phrase stop you from unlocking future wealth and freedom, you're limiting your potential.

Top real estate investors aren't any smarter than where you are at today. They've simply taken time to take the puzzle pieces and begin putting the puzzle together.

Funding and financing is a big part of the process, but you may find out you have more options at your disposal to start than you think. Here are a few sources to consider to begin putting your resources together:

Cash On Hand

The reality is that very few deals actually come down to cash on hand that you have sitting in a bank ready to go, but it's obviously one of the options on the table....

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Jarod Alexander: 1100 Units Through Syndication


Jarod Alexander is the founder of Optimal Equity Group, where he brings vetted opportunities to investors to invest in. In total, Jarod has participated in 5 syndications totaling over 1,100 units throughout Arizona and Texas. In addition to this role, Jarod works in sales in the flooring industry, where he has won numerous awards for his salesmanship and dedication to customer satisfaction. Jarod shares his real estate investment journey beginning with single-family homes and what led him to look towards larger properties as a way to scale and accomplish his investing goals more quickly. His mission is to help people reach their full potential and live life to the fullest. Jarod is a family man who is happily married with 2 amazing kids currently living in Phoenix, AZ.


In this episode hosted by Mike Swenson, we discussed:

  • How a Jarod got started in real estate investing through an out-of-state turnkey single-family property and the...
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6 Things To Establish Your Investing Buy Box: Real Estate Investing Tips

When you're investing in real estate, it's really hard to get started. There's so many options of  things that you can invest in. This is why you want to have a BUY BOX.

A buy box is a set of criteria that you're looking at to help you determine if a property is a fit. If you don't have an established buy box, you'll leave yourself analyzing every possible deal at any price point, with any type of investing strategy. Taking this approach will give you "analysis paralysis", and will probably leave you on the sidelines not investing in anything. You want to move forward with the right properties.

What makes up your real estate investing buy box?

1) Type of property: Is this going to be a single-family home? Multi-family home? Mobile home park? Tiny House? Start thinking about the specific types of properties that you want to invest in. You can set up a search through the MLS via a real estate agent, or there are lots of other websites out there where you...

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Lorraine Beato: Flipping The Switch From Agent To Investor


Lorraine Beato started trading mortgage-backed securities on Wall Street and doing appraisals in one of New York's most affluent counties. Eventually, she got her real estate license and now works in the Atlanta area of Georgia. In addition to being an agent, she's an experienced real estate investor. Encouraging agents to invest in the thing you sell every day, she has a passion for helping agents build their wealth through investing, which inspired her to write the book "Flip The Switch: From Real Estate Agent to Real Estate Investor." She shares her story of growing her investment portfolio, tips for how agents can become investors, and for how she provided unparalleled customer service to her clients by genuinely listening to them and solving their problems.


In this episode hosted by Mike Swenson, we discussed:

  • How Lorraine was able to start as an investor and grow her portfolio while still helping clients as an agent
  • How she was...
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Top 3 Barriers To Investing: Real Estate Investing Tips


We've worked with a lot of real estate investors, and have conversations with a lot of people that want to be real estate investors. So what's stopping them? Here are 3 of the main barriers we see.

1) People Don't See The Benefit To Pursue It NOW: The key word here is NOW. Logically people understand the benefit of investing in real estate, except you're playing the long game. There is delayed gratification involved. Getting a property today vs a year from now it's going to fundamentally change their financial situation NOW. So they put it off, put it off some more, and some more. Soon you're a couple of years down the road and you're no closer to your real estate investing goals.

This is why it's important to have a sense of urgency with regards to your real estate investing. While you may not see a ton of cashflow today, you have to get the clock started. Assume a property purchased at $250,000 appreciates 7% in a year. In one year time, that property has appreciated by...

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Robin Binkley: Stewarding Other People's Money In Real Estate



The idea of using OPM - other people's money - to invest in real estate seems exciting on the surface. Yet there comes a ton of responsibility to have other people entrust their money with you to help them get the returns they desire. Robin Binkley is the Co-Founder of Real Equity Investment Partners, along with her husband Brett Binkley. After spending a quarter of a century as a nursing home administrator, it's obvious that Robin cares about people and serving their needs. Today she is a real estate investor in a 200 door syndication in Atlanta, GA as well as a Bitcoin mining fund. She is the co-author of the book Next Level Your Life and desires for women and others to gain financial independence and freedom through real estate investing.


In this episode with Mike Swenson, we discussed: 

  • Finding leverage when you're both working and raising a family
  • Why your current job is a training ground for your successful future...
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