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Rachel Teodoro: Modeling Money Principles To Raise Financially Wise Children



Rachel Teodoro is a wife, mom of 3, and a full-time blogger in the Seattle area. Growing up, she was fortunate to be in a household that taught her about money & saving at a young age. Graduating college married with a 2-year-old tested their new family financially, yet she shares how implementing what she was taught about money helped get them through. Now, she's passed these lessons onto her children and has seen them implement many of the lessons she was taught. Hear this Everyday Millionaire share her journey along the way.

In this episode, hosted by Mike Swenson, we discussed:       

  • How Rachel writes blogs about family, lifestyle, and mindset
  • Growing up she was used to a more frugal lifestyle  
  • She had a baby while she is 20 and in college, and because her parents were committed to her finishing school at Purdue University, she was a full-time student and a full-time mom
  • Because of her frugal upbringing and living on a tight budget ...
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Jeff Scislow: Improvising Over 35 Years and $20M In Agent Commissions Earned



Jeff Scislow has been a real estate agent for over 35 years, with 34 of those years at Remax. His career started out with a bang, selling 58 homes in his first year and last year eclipsing over $20 Million in commissions earned during his time at Remax. Over this span, he's adapted and evolved as the market has changed. He was a pioneer in the industry, being one of the first people to have a buyer's agent back in 1992. He was the first agent in Minnesota with a website back in 1995. He's been a top 10 agent in all of Remax in 1996 and 2006. While being a Minnesota resident, he helped over 200 people buy homes in Florida in one year. He's done flips, rentals, guaranteed sales, financed contract for deeds for his clients, and much more. You name it, he's done it in his career. Hear how his business has twisted and turned over these past 35 years and how he's enjoyed the ride along the way!

In this episode, hosted by Mike Swenson, we discussed:  ...

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Clint Muhlenberg: Reinventing Partnerships With Real Estate Virtual Assistants



Clint Muhlenberg is the Founder and CEO of Level, a company that provides professional virtual assistants to people in all areas of real estate. Level is on a mission to completely flip the idea of a Virtual Assistant from a robotic task-doer to an essential team player. They hire real people specifically chosen to fill a role in your organization, and arm all partners with a passionate support team that’s dedicated to everyone’s mutual success. Clint's heart is in helping others, treating his staff with the utmost respect, and being an advocate for them in all the companies he partners with. Grasping the way Virtual Assistants can take your business to the next level can radically change the trajectory of your business. Don't miss out on this great opportunity to learn. 

In this episode, hosted by Mike Swenson, we discussed:       

  • Clint is the founder and CEO of Level, a company that specializes in hiring virtual assistants in the Philipin...
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Erik Hatch: Broker, Coach, Author, Investor & Leader of 20+ Companies



Erik Hatch is a masterful entrepreneur. Originally a youth paster, Erik started out in real estate part-time and closed 0 homes his first year! He kept at it and slowly grew his business before jumping in full-time about 10 years ago. Since then he formed a team, became a brokerage, formed a coaching company, began investing (he now owns 60 doors), flips 25-30 homes a year as part of his Snap Offers program, wrote a book, and recently started doing Airbnb. Hear Erik talk about his journey, how he allocates his time and sets his priorities to grow his companies, and how he's built a great team of people along the way that loves winning alongside him.

In this episode, hosted by Mike Swenson, we discussed:      

  • How Erik career got started and his background    
  • Erik has 20 businesses 
  • His background is in ministry 
  • His net worth increased by 400% in 10 years 
  • You need to let go of where you were and grab on to where you are going 
  • Started...
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Devin Doherty: How Your Mindset & Outlook Impacts Your Future Freedom



Devin Doherty is a mindset ninja. Outside of real estate, he's been in the tech industry (working with IBM & Macintosh), a consultant, and also a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, among many other amazing accomplishments. Inside of real estate, he's been a top agent, investor, coach, and helped build the 6th largest real estate team in the United States. In this episode, Devin shares more about his journey towards financial freedom and the lessons that have helped impact his journey. This episode comes from Freedom Con, a live event REL Freedom held in the fall of 2020. 

In this episode, hosted by Mike Swenson, we discussed:     

  • How Devin’s career got started and his background   
  • He is the founder of Five Doors Network as well as Thrive Network 
  • Devin was recruited to work for IBM at the age 14 
  • The “I will until” attitude causes tangible assets 
  • Avoid being a victim 
  • When passive income is greater than expenses the...
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Kelly Blodgett: Paid off $46,514.91 of debt in 20 months



Before we can experience the freedom of building wealth, many of us have to remove the chains of debt. For Kelly Blodgett, she graduated with 60k in student loan debt. She faithfully made her school loan payment for 8 years. She was astonished at how little she had paid down during that time, so she decided to get aggressive and attack her debt. Over the next 20 months, she paid off the remaining $46,514.91 and now is a financial coach helping others to build a solid financial future through Money Gal Coaching. In this episode, Kelly Bodgett and Mike Swenson discuss getting your house in order and many of the basic principles to give you a solid financial foundation for your future.


In this episode, hosted by Mike Swenson, we discussed:     

  • How Kelly’s career got started and her background     
  • Kelly's launch as Owner and coach at Money Gal Coaching 
  • Her personal financial journey, where she was able to get rid of $46,514.91 of debts i...
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Erin Torres: New In Real Estate To President of Herg Group in Five Years



You can be anywhere you want within five years. Erin Torres is proof of that. Having worked past jobs that left her bored and unfulfilled, she met Adam Hergenrother and it all changed. In 5 short years, she's moved up to President of Herg Group, a top real estate team that closed 3,000 units with 240+ agents in 24 states. We talk about how she found the role, her journey in real estate, and how she has 12 streams of income coming from 3 main areas that ALL worked synergistically to help feed each other. Plus she has some BIG projects on the horizon for this upcoming year.

In this episode, hosted by Mike Swenson, we discussed:    

  • How Erin’s career got started and her background  
  • She met Adam Hergenrother through a craigslist job posting
  • How Erin is now in her new role of President of HergGroup  
  • Since she started, the team grew $650 million in volume 
  • Surround yourself with the right people who can implement that vision 
  • Prioritizing c...
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Todd Dexheimer: Teacher Turned Investor, 800 Units & $45 Million In Holdings



Todd Dexheimer shares his journey from being a teacher to researching real estate investing, to eventually jumping in full-time over the span of a couple of years. He's done single-family, multi-family, mobile homes, and even a ski resort. Todd's pushed through roadblocks, adapted his mindset and grown his company to new heights. Todd now focuses his time on 100+ unit complexes & senior group homes. Learn from Todd to help you forge your path in real estate. You can also hear from Todd on the Pillars of Wealth Creation Podcast.


In this episode, hosted by Mike Swenson, we discussed:   

  • How his career got started and his background 
  • Tood first found some books on real estate and that sparked his interest to pursue it further
  • Todd’s first 3 purchases were a foreclosure (to live in), single-family rental, and a flip (that flopped) 
  • You’re going to have adversity, but you have to figure out what to do with the adversity (to succeed) 
  • He ca...
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Ahmed Iqbal: Utilizing Partnerships With Others To Accelerate Your Portfolio



Hear from Ahmed Iqbal as he discusses being an "IT guy" who "finds (computer) bugs for a living" to being a real estate investor who currently holds 28 units in Minnesota, Nebraska, North Carolina, and Alabama totaling $4 Million, which have all been purchased in the past 5 years. He has leveraged relationships with others to create strong investment partnerships where each person brings their specific skills to the group. Because of his strong passion for systems and efficiencies, it has allowed each of them to grow quickly. He also discussed his desire to "soft retire" in 3 1/2 years to choose where he wants to spend his time after that.

In this episode, hosted by Mike Swenson, we discussed:   

  • How his career got started and his background in IT for 26 years
  • How he started off as a landlord in the Chicago area
  • Ahmed’s freedom belief is that personal finance mixed with real estate will lead to a path of freedom 
  • The importance of buildin...
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Christy Belt Grossman: Do What You Want, When You Want, Where You Want, Forever



Christy Belt Grossman talks about her journey to creating a life by design and empowering thousands of other admin in real estate along the way. She discusses how she went from the top 1% worldwide at her employer in the mortgage industry to running her family's real estate team that has sold over $1 Billion in their lifetime. She then took that experience and launched Ops Boss Coaching and is truly living the life she wants serving her bigger purpose in life, giving back to the real estate admin community, and working with a group of people that she handpicked to help change the world.


In this episode, hosted by Mike Swenson, we discussed:   

  • How her career got started in the mortgage industry and her transition to real estate 
  • She worked for Chase Manhattan Mortage and was top 1% of all employees worldwide 
  • Was chief operating officer for one of the first teams in the Nation to have $1 Billion in sales and the #1 luxury team for Kelle...
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