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Jake Dixon: Helping Real Estate Agents Succeed


Jake Dixon is unapologetically passionate about helping real estate agents that currently close fewer than 24 homes per year, which according to the National Association of Realtors makes up 90% of the population. He is the founder and CEO of The Locker Room Real Estate Coaching & Training organization that partners with broker-owners and their agents to increase growth, retention, productivity and profitability, which has been around since 2016. Jake was selected as one of the Top 50 Real Estate Coaches in 2021 by Agent Fire and was named a Top Real Estate Coach for 2022 by Coach Foundation. Prior to founding The Locker Room, Jake graduated from the University of North Florida and played college and professional baseball. Jake discussed how agents can be successful in this market and how he started and grew his coaching and training organization to be one that is well respected in the industry.


In this episode hosted by Mike Swenson, we discussed:

  • How Jake is unapologetically obsessively passionate about serving the underserved
  • Discovering what you want for your legacy or exit plan as an agent versus selling homes until you can't stand up anymore
  • Conditioning yourself to do something that started unnaturally and make it a habit for you to build success
  • Increasing your financial IQ is an investment, not another commission check
  • How you can become a six-figure earner by focusing on going on one qualified appointment each week
  • Importance of compelling a vision for your future
  • Taking defining moments in your life and transitioning them into your superpowers 



0:00 - Intro To Jake's Career
6:17 - Understanding the ESBI Quadrant
12:33 - Baseball and Real Estate
17:45 - 5 To 25 Challenge
23:06 - Real Estate Knowledge
29:31 - How The Vision Started
32:48 - Commitment Versus Interest
37:48 - How To Find Jake













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Read the full transcript here:

Mike Swenson
Welcome to The REL Freedom Podcast where we inspire you to pursue your passion to gain time and financial freedom through opportunities in real estate. I'm your host, Mike Swenson. Let's get some REL freedom together.

Mike Swenson
All right, welcome everybody to another episode of The REL Freedom Podcast where we talk about building wealth and gaining time and financial freedom through opportunities in real estate. And I'm so excited today because we've got Jake Dixon here. And Jake is the founder and CEO of the locker room real estate coaching and training organization. And in terms of helping agents be successful, you really are one of the best people in knowing what agents are struggling with and building a coaching and training organization to be able to help them build and grow their business. I know you like succeeding with kind of the average agent, you know, helping those people succeed because real estate's a tough sport, there's a lot of turnovers that happen. And it takes time to gain traction. And so that's really your focus. So a little bit more about Jake quick, he began the locker room in 2016. And then as a top productivity coach, you were selected as one of the top 50 Real Estate coaches in 2021. And then success coaching the founding circle. In addition to that, you had a background in playing professional baseball, you were at the University of North Florida, and then went on and played college and pro baseball after that. So obviously, the locker room sports theme is a part of your story. But welcome, Jake, we're so excited to have you.

Jake Dixon
It's great to be here, Mike, and appreciate the opportunity and can't wait to pour into your listeners here and add value in any way that we can.

Mike Swenson
Share a little bit about your story, how you got into real estate. sure people are curious to know about your background in baseball too, and talking about leading up to formulate in the locker room?

Jake Dixon
Sure. I'll give you the shortened version of this, of course. But so yeah, as you mentioned, we launched back in 2016, for the locker room before that, as you had mentioned, I actually spent three years with Keller Williams at the time being a team leader. So that's like the CEO of an office. And then another three years being a productivity coach at the same company. I am now unaffiliated, I'm just in the locker room. I don't know about anything. But that was what led me to self-discovering that you know what my passion isn't really recruiting and managing staff and running an office, what really lit me up like a Christmas tree was sitting across the table, from an individual agent, diving into their goals, their big why's and setting those action plans to achieve those goals sprinkled in with a little love called accountability. And so I got that metaphorical whisper in the ear a tap on the shoulder that says, Hey, dummy, why aren't you doing this full time? And so that's when I began pursuing that journey by being a coach. And as they say, the rest is history. Since initiating the locker room, we've served literally hundreds of brokerages and brands 10s of 1000s of agents and you hit the nail on the head, I am unapologetically obsessively passionate about serving the underserved. It's that brand new agent, it's the dual career agent, it's frankly any agent within their first five years of the business who is struggling or hitting their head against the ceiling, that is our clientele, that is who we really enjoy working with. Observing that there are a lot of other options out there for the quote-unquote mega agent or already successful agents. And we just kind of turn the opposite way. So you know what, we don't want the price and other factors to be a reason somebody can't have access to world-class coaching and training. And that's where we've planted our flag here in the locker room.

Mike Swenson
Well, and I love that because there are plenty of coaching and training organizations out there that that want to work with the highest achiever and the big-name person that can go really help sell more coaching. But at the end of the day, everybody needs help being successful in real estate. And we know that the average agent is going to isn't going to make it more than two years because more than 80% of them don't. And so one of the things I'm passionate about is helping agents to see the the extreme value and opportunity that they sit on in the real estate space. And don't just treat it like another sales job. You know, I kind of make the argument of a lot of times I've seen agents, I think we've we've probably had 200 Plus agents on our team back over the last six, seven years, I've I've got to work with 200 Plus agents and they see it so much as a sales job, right? Like, hey, I made $50,000 over here in my sales job or maybe I made $100,000 In my sales job now I'm going to come into real estate and they compare their year one in real estate to their year 10 in their previous sales job and see like oh, I didn't make as much money as I did. I'm gonna go back there and get out of real estate. And what they don't see is what could year 23456 had been had you stayed and then kind of my passion pieces helping people invest like how much more net worth could you have grown with all the knowledge and experience you gained being in real estate, learning and networking with people Bob?

Jake Dixon
That's what I love about what you stand for Mike after talking with you before the show and checking out the podcast and stuff. And, you know, it's I think we both share the the, this commonality of helping agents become great business owners, not just knowing how to sling some property and know how to talk a good talk like, but really running a small business that just happens to sell real estate. And so I love that you pour into the community and have folks like myself on here to help in any way we can. And I mean, who doesn't love to be on a good podcast, right, and yet, doing some homework and knowing what to say yes to when it comes to podcast. There's a reason we're here and aligned and talking today. So thanks for all that you do, as well.

Mike Swenson
Yeah. And like you mentioned, you know, as an agent, you are a business owner, you've got to figure out how to do marketing, you probably love people love helping people in some way, shape or form. But you don't necessarily know how to bring in leads, generate leads, follow up with leads, put systems in place, be able to get these people to closing and then to have a system in place to be able to stay in touch with them after closing till seven years from now, and they want to buy and sell with you sometime in the future. And so that's really where you come in is, is helping them teach them those business skills. And in addition to the personal skills to help them build a successful business,

Jake Dixon
You're spot on what you just said, triggered if anybody I'm a I'm an avid reader and personal growth junkie. So I have a lot of quotes in books that I may drop. But one of them, of course, is Cashflow Quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki. And what you just said made me think of the E SBI. Quadrant, if you don't know what I'm talking about, look it up. But it's employee where I have a job basically that somebody trades time for money with me, then we have this entrepreneurial seizure to get into the s category, which is self employed. That's where most of us when we get into real estate or like finally, I have my own boss taking control my future, and that's great. But you're still not out of the woods yet, because you went from having a job to now owning a job. And as you stated, Mike, if I don't have a marketer, or an admin assistant, or a transaction coordinator, I'm all these things. So what we generally do is help people at least get into the B category, which is being that business owner going from self employed to a business owner. And the critical difference there, as you know, is owning systems, creating, documenting and owning systems that's taking what's in your head and documenting on paper, you sir, then take them the rest of the way to get them into the I quadrant, which is investor. So we really spent a lot of time going from the s to the B with the group that we specialise in coaching. And then from there discovering what is it that they want for that legacy or that that exit plan revenue versus, you know, selling homes until they can't stand up anymore?

Mike Swenson
What do you see for people? So, you know, say there's a real estate agent listening to this, or somebody looking to get in real estate that wants to build and grow a business. You know, we could talk about the benefits of building something that's going to last right? And I think in this tough economy, we can see that jobs come and go even building something to be self employed is a great thing. But what you want to have happen is build a business where Yeah, your your income might grow if you're there, ideally, it would grow when you're not there, but you have to build the systems in place. So what advice do you have for people or what are some tips if I'm considering real estate or I'm in real estate now? And I really do want to turn this into a business, what would you recommend?

Jake Dixon
So I just actually got back on Friday teaching a class in Michigan called the 13 steps to building a scalable business. Coincidentally, step number 13 is what I call repackages repackaging and repurposing. So to answer that question, if, if I can see the forest from the trees in advance, maybe I'm just before I'm getting my real estate licence, or I have it now, right? Day one, start documenting literally everything you do. If you have anybody that follows like Gary Vee, and some people out there, you're gonna hear him say often, you don't need to worry about creating content, because a lot of us can sit here and get writer's block or get be shy of putting ourselves on camera for video content. But he'll say you don't have to create content, you just need to document what you're already doing. And that is confidently I can say firsthand, the only reason or one of the main reasons I'm here today with the locker room is because I was at least smart enough even when I didn't know what I didn't know to journal and document everything I did God forbid it actually worked. So I didn't question what did I do? I had it spelled out. If it didn't work. Let's say I have a nine step plan. I can go back to Step Six and say, Ah, that's where the breakdown happened. Growth is meant to break things and then our job is to go fix it, break it, fix it, break it, fix it. Let me give you a quick analogy on this to answer again, your question. Imagine, actually, coincidentally this week at the time of recording is my birthday weekend. So imagine Google Mike here is going to bake Jake a cake for his birthday.

Mike Swenson
He's already planning on it. Yeah.

Jake Dixon
I figured I expected this. Okay, so you're walking down the grocery aisle, you see that Betty Crocker cake mix sitting on the shelf, you pull whatever box you selected from the shelf, you look at the front and say, that's the one I want that what we just bought was the end result on the front of the box. And then you get all the other ingredients, you go home. And then you turn that box around. And it tells you step by step, how hot to turn the oven on the order of which you're supposed to mix the ingredients, how much of the ingredients you're supposed to put in the bowl, so on and so forth. That is a system that is a documented process that's duplicatable, to create a predictable outcome. That's the point in real estate. So many people get into this business saying I want to earn six figures. And yet they squirrel out and try and get overly creative and do all these things except follow the recipe on the back of the box. Now, I'm not saying there's a one size fits all at all. That's not what I'm saying. We're going to figure out your way. But once we figure out the plan, you have to document that. And then you can adjust what temperature how much of that ingredient ie lead generation you need to do. Right to remove emotion from the equation, just follow the recipe follow the success formula. And you know, that's that's what really what we try and do is just keep it that stupid, simple.

Mike Swenson
Yeah. Well, and one of the challenges in real estate is, you know, we being an operations, we would have all these ideas from agents on our team of like, Hey, have we thought about this? Have we thought about this? And what what we learned is, we don't want to squelch creativity, right? And so it's I don't I sometimes I felt like I was just the no guy telling people No, but at the end of the day, just because something produced a closing or a lead or a listing doesn't mean that that has to be your example of how you're going to grow your business. So we would always give this example we had an agent one time that wanted to send out recipe cards. Okay, great. You could send out recipe cards, but the problem is, is they got one client from at one time that led to a closing. And so now they think that, well, if I send 10 recipe cards, and I got one closing, now if I send 100 recipe cards, I'm gonna get 10 closings. So all I have to do is send out 100 recipe cards, well, that might have been the one out of 1000, that's going to have a closing because of your recipe cards. So just because all lead generation can produce a result doesn't mean that that's going to be the best one for you. And so it's kind of weeding through all the crap to figure out the best way to grow your business.

Jake Dixon
That is so true. And if I may, if I'm allowed to use sports examples, I mean, come on. That's right. It's appropriate. So here's what I often give people. So prior to this, I used to run an indoor baseball training facility given kids lessons during camps and clinics and that sort of thing, right? So I remember, often I would be giving lessons to let's say, a 12 year old kid, and every lesson I've ever done in my life, if you're a hitter, we start by putting a baseball on a tee and getting warmed up working on the fundamentals hitting a ball off of a tee. And then I would have 12 year old kids look at me like I got three ice and come on coach, we realist, that's t ball stuff. Can we just get into all the other sexy stuff? And I'm like, No, you know why? Because I've played with guys that you watch on TV. I know for a fact what they do every day, how often every day is they start by putting a ball in a team, they literally take 300 to 500 swings a day. That's mastering the fundamentals. So here's the here's the point, the game doesn't change the fundamentals of this real estate game, just like baseball or any other sport do not change. What changes is the game speeds up. So instead of in literally those guys are throwing 55 Now in the major leagues are throwing 95 miles per hour. Well guess what real estate pros. Same thing is true here. The same thing, relatively speaking that it takes for you to close 12 homes per year is the same thing it takes to close 112 homes per year as long as you've mastered the fundamentals, and then add your creativity or spin or whatever on top of that.

Mike Swenson
I was gonna say as a as a dad to an eight year old. I'm an assistant coach for baseball. And actually tonight's our first practice, like it's a challenge because they feel like we didn't do anything new today. And it's like, well, no, you're you would just do this for like the next 20 years is how you're going to get better, right? Like it's not like they're going to come out with some new pitch, or some new way of throwing the ball that's going to completely change baseball or they're going to come out with a completely different bat. It's going to be the same ball the same bat the same with to the bases. You just got to keep practising and get better.

Jake Dixon
That's right. That's right. And I think so one of our previous leaders would say things like sometimes you just have to master the mundane. You have to accept the boredom that's associated with mastery. And so many people, especially in real estate, look for the shiny object or what's new and different and they don't stick with something long enough to see the fruits of it. And they just I'm not going to pop tart, you know, the society here instant gratification, and I think my belief at least is in business especially, it's delayed gratification. It's what I do today shows up in 6090 days later kind of thing. And can it happen sooner? Yeah, sure. But I'm gonna live by that general, you know, principle or guiding foundational concept. And it's generally turned out quite well, just like in investing in real estate, right? I'm gonna purchase it today with a prolonged or delayed gratification later as my net worth and things slowly build over time.

Mike Swenson
Well, and I think understanding delayed gratification, it's somebody like you that that pursued a major league baseball career because I can say, for me, I like the variety of different sports, you know, my parents said, Hey, we're gonna give Mike an opportunity in a lot of different sports. And so I was in baseball, basketball, football, wrestling, swimming, golf, and I loved I liked basketball the most, I wasn't the best at it. But I liked the practices the most. But I love the ability to try different things track and field, I did that for you. Everybody's different. But like you had to practice, like you said, 300 500 hits off of a tee a day. And because you're used to that as a sense of, I just know that this is what I have to do to get to the next level, you're used to being okay with the mundane or being okay with the the repetition that so many agents try to Yeah, come up with 37 different ways to not do the thing they're supposed to be doing?

Jake Dixon
Well, exactly. And again, forgive me for all the metaphors and analogies here. But it's muscle memory, what I hear you saying is it's muscle memory, getting the reps in conditioning yourself to do something that maybe started unnatural, and make it involuntary or natural again, right. So I'm ashamed to admit I haven't worked out in a while. But if I went to work out right, now, I'm going to go to the gym. And I'm not going to max out, I'm not going to put all the 40 fives on and see how much I can lift, I'm going to go get and get my form, right, I'm going to focus on reps and get over that soreness that would have otherwise occurred. So many agents Listen up, you're going from j ob, if some other previous career entering real estate, where it let's largely assume you've never lead generated a day in your life unless you were in a former sales career. And you're trying to go from zero to 60. Because certain training programmes tell you to make 100 contacts a day or 20 contacts a day, guess what, you're gonna get sore, your muscles are not conditioned to handle that. And then you fizzle out and get burnout. Because you're impatient of the results you didn't get by the work you put in

Mike Swenson
like a failure because you couldn't do the thing that you thought you're supposed to do. It's like, well, if I can't do that number of contacts a day, every day, I feel like I failed.

Jake Dixon
Exactly. I'm a time on task over time guy, I'd rather have consistency, where we do reps every day, I'm talking five contacts a day, let's say something like that five a day, I can later worry about in one month or two weeks or whatever, put more weight on each side, ie going from five to 10 or something like that contacts per day, but I gotta get my reps. And I got to create a habit with proper form first. And that's why again, here's a crunchy thing I can give your audience here at the locker and we've got something that we call the five to 25 challenge. And so math majors out there, here's all that is, it's nothing new, we just packaged it up differently. The five to 25 challenges this, you make five contacts a day, for five days a week, for 50 weeks out of the year, I'm giving you weekends off vacation holiday time, whatever, 50 weeks a year, five a day for five days a week, do the math, that's 1250 Real Estate conversations over the course of one year. Now I have tracked this for seven years consistently and I'm scary accurate for the lesser experienced newer agents, you're going to get a 50 to one return at as a 2% conversion ratio for every 50 people you talk to, it will ultimately yield you one new piece of business. So let's take 1250 Real Estate conversations over the course of a year multiplied by 2%. What do you get? We get 25. That's 25 sales just by applying time on task over time. Anybody can talk to five people a day. But so many of us are so impatient that we never end up getting there. Right and by the way, depending on the stats, you look at NAR Yes, 87% of agents fail, but it's also well above 90% of agents sell 24 or fewer homes per year. Never netting the amount of money like six figures to to feed and fund a family in your ideal lifestyle. So that's what we're about.

Mike Swenson
You had mentioned to like, not everybody has the ability or necessarily wants to right off the bat go full time in real estate. And so part timers to full time that's a that's a challenge. We We've had a lot of folks that haven't been successful, because they also don't realise there is a tipping point, you have to do a certain amount of activity to get some results right out of the gate. And then to what happens is, yeah, they they try it for two or three months, maybe six months, they don't see something fruitful and they quit. And that's where I feel like, you're sick, you're missing out on the bigger opportunity here. Because there's, there's so much more to be gained, because like, like, you know, I work with investors. Imagine if you were able to eventually get to the point where you got a rental property a year or two a year, quitting in real estate prevents you from getting to that opportunity in the future. And yeah, maybe your conversion ratios get better over time, but you don't know unless you hang around long enough for it to click.

Jake Dixon
Exactly, exactly. I know one thing is for sure. Whatever it is, you may fall back to and blame this career that is that I know Mike and I, you and I both love, it's served us well. And we continue to seek ways to give back to it. So many agents say, Well, if this wasn't for me, and I'm gonna go get a quote unquote, real job. When you didn't show up for this one in the first place. This is very real. Don't you dare knock this profession because we love it. And we're here to fight for and fight for you. But did you show up to work? Did you see the bigger picture, we have too many people trying real estate and not enough people committed to running a business that happens to sell real estate and you're spot on. I mean, show me another career path that puts you on an unlimited income potential while also gaining the knowledge to create generational wealth. The number one way most millionaires and billionaires have become that which is through real estate, you got a front row seat. And yet so many real estate agents aren't investors themselves, because maybe they got out of the game too early or don't quite understand it.

Mike Swenson
Yeah. And one of the things that we talk about is, you know, if I was in Wall Street, if I use my insider knowledge to make a profit, right, I'm gonna go to jail, because that's insider trading. In real estate, I have access to the MLS, I have access to all the vendors that I need to help me get to the next step in my career, whether it's, you know, a certain lender, or a certain insurance company, or this or that, and you can get more sophisticated, but I have the ability to be an insider, and do insider trading in real estate, for my own personal benefit. And I'm not taking advantage of that, like, yeah, if I had somebody come to me, you know, that says, hey, I want to sell a couple of these rental properties. What if I bought them myself instead, and, and you know, they didn't need to list it on the MLS, because we worked out a price that worked and I just bought a rental property, I can do that. But I have that opportunity. And I'm not gonna go to jail, because I'm not, it's not stock trading. So you have that opportunity. And people don't maybe realise the power that that can have. But that may not come up until I'm three years into the business or five years into the business. And so that's why I just want people don't quit stay in real estate long enough, till you start to see that stuff out on top of each other.

Jake Dixon
That's such a such a smart, great analogy, with the whole insider trading thing, except over here. It's legal, as long as you disclose, right. And I thought, of course baseball, which is how my brain is wired is like tipping pitches. You know, if I'm up to bat, and I'm hearing my teammates from the dugout, yell a certain word or a certain thing that says a fastball is coming, I'm sitting dead read fastball, and that thing's going over the outfield wall because I'm ready for it. And that's a lot of here's, we're tipping the pitches, you know, the market, you know, it's going on day to day, and you know, when great properties show up. And I think it's largely due to a lack of education. Right. And I'm not saying you know, to the audience, like, we just don't take time to increase our financial IQ when it comes to real estate investing, we only see it as another commission check. And where's my next one gonna come from, we miss what's over here in the peripherals of that long term play through real estate knowledge, that translates into investing. So I love again, that you have this podcast to help folks, you know, get in tune with that.

Mike Swenson
Yeah, and I was I was talking with somebody last week about cost segregation. So cost segregation for those that don't know is an opportunity to be able to have a study done on your property, essentially, increase the depreciation that you can have on your taxes, lower your tax threshold, and save yourself a lot of money. The problem is, is because everybody says, talk to your CPA, talk to your tax person. It's hard to put a number around that right to be able to see like, oh my gosh, I could have saved $20,000 in taxes this year. But it's because it's cost segregation. It feels like this complicated concept. We just had a cost segregation study done on the on a 25 unit property that we own this year, and are going to go through taxes this year and see the benefit of of what it is we had filed an extension but That's where it's hard for people to understand that like, what what if I told you, you could save $20,000 in taxes by doing this, but because I just say, oh, think about cost segregation, study, go talk to a CPA, nobody does it. So we got to find a way to quantify that. And I'm a big spreadsheet guy like it's, we got to find a way to help people understand, like you're throwing away 10s of 1000s of dollars, by not understanding some of these concepts, or 1031 exchanges, there's so much that you can learn. But you got to stay in real estate long enough to kind of pick these things up along the way.

Jake Dixon
You're so right, not only stay in real estate long enough, but take the genuine interest to go about something that you you don't know much about perhaps and I'm being generic here. Of course, I don't want to offend anybody. But, you know, a lot of times we just don't know what we don't know. And it's that unknown that prevents us from being willing to take action on something because it's safer over here. We feel vulnerable, we feel exposed. That seems like a headache, and I gotta go learn all this stuff. But like you're saying, when you break it down to real dollars and cents and can can connect emotionally with that person, they're more likely to take action on it. But um, yeah, I mean, it's but to me, it boils down to the educational thing and saying, who, who or what can I do that would help me with this. So a year from now, I'm not still clinging on to I don't know something as my excuse.

Mike Swenson
That's the hard thing. Because even in real estate, like things take time, not taking action today is just pushing that further down the road. Your analogy in terms of the five contacts a day is really important. Like, if I told you at the end of the year, you will have 25 closings. What you got to do is five contacts a day. Can you do that? Somebody would say yes, if the if the end was guaranteed, I'd be able to do it. The problem is, is the end is not guaranteed, and stuff comes up, life gets busy, you get distracted, your hire one day because you're excited that somebody had something good. And then you go a week where nobody says yes, and you just feel defeated. But if I told you 25 At the end of the year was guaranteed, you would you would be more excited to do it. The problem is you just can't see that end result. And that's the challenge that people have.

Jake Dixon
You're right. You're right I as T's i t's when I trained in person and stuff. I'm like magic because you can't tell right now I'm six foot six. I'm a tall guy. But I say look, think back to the day when you when you pass that test. Now some people took them one try other people took them like 20 tries. I'm not judging. But whenever that was for each of you listening to this thing back, remember that moment? When you got that sheet of paper saying you pass now, when you're leaving the building, there's this tall, goofy looking guy in the hallway who says, Amir, I got a secret for you. Come on over here. And his name is Jake, yours truly. And let's say I told Mike. Hey, Mike, what if I told you that you need to go on to appointments? Or I'm sorry, four appointments a month, one appointment a week on average, but four appointments a month, and you are going to net six figures? Would you do it? And Mike's gonna be looking at me like Yeah, dude, of course. Well, guess what most normal markets average sales, price markets. That's about right. So as your coach when he and I are people like he and I are meeting with you, forgive us if we just cut to the mustard and say, Hey, Mike, between the time your head hit the pillow or you woke up Monday morning, in the time your head hit the pillow on Sunday night, did you or did you not go on one qualified appointment? That's all that matters. I don't need to know the umpteen zillion other things and distractions and excuses. Did you or did you not? It's a simple yes, no answer. Go on one qualified appointment this week. That's it. Because for most of you listening or watching this, that is scary true in your market as well. If you just go on one qualified appointment, I'm not even saying getting the business just doing the right activity long enough, the law of averages takes over. And you'll probably be a net six figure income earner at the end of the year.

Mike Swenson
For folks that are curious, I'd love to hear a little bit more about kind of your business growing a coaching and training organisation. You know, you're you're, what, seven years into this now. But But talk with us a little bit about taking the idea concept Do you have like you said, You light up thinking about helping the average agent helping them get successful that's really what drives you, which is why you want to start the company but talk through kind of putting together a coaching and training organisation kind of building and growing that business and the positives or the you know, some of the challenges along the way.

Jake Dixon
So it's certainly like growing any business so I'm not a victim. I'm just a guy who can share experiences but like growing any business is full of surprises is full of detours and unexpected things and a full full a lot of fun and challenges well, by the way. So yeah. Matter of fact is we were swapping stories before recording this. You were sharing with me some of your experience as your background with leading expansion teams and whatnot. And that's frankly, where I got the idea. So I was in the Carolinas was attending a training event all about expansion and teams and stuff like that. And it hit me as a coach in the room. It hit me like, oh my gosh, what if I could create a coaching expansion platform? Nobody's doing it. Everybody's creating one for buyers and sellers and traditional teams. But what about a expansion platform for coaches? And so I started to doodle and I still have my notebook from that date here. But that's really where the idea the vision started. So it starts there, you got to have a compelling vision for the future. What is it that this is about? What are you willing to fight for? What are you willing to be unapologetic about about because part of this journey requires you to overcome some, you know what, I've never met a successful person, whatever successful means, who hasn't had to overcome and deal with some big time sh it, okay. And so there's haters, there's a lot of noise, a lot of dogs that want to bark at you along the way. And I don't know, one of the things that I've learned, at least for myself is to take every single one of those and place it right here on my shoulder up, there's another chip, there's another chip, there's another chip on my shoulder. Because if I asked any of you listening to this, when's the last time somebody said you couldn't do something? Or somebody said, You're not worth it? And that's meant for the next person? And how did you respond? I'll bet 99.8% of you, listening probably responded with, I'll show you watch me. So that was one of the greatest things or gifts that I've had along the way is taking, defining moments in life like that, where people maybe said something, and you've transitioned it to a superpower. And using that as fuel and energy, all in the spirit of Well, I'm gonna do it anyways, watch me. So that it's not, I don't know if that exactly answers your question. But that's that's certainly one of the things and there's been a lot of good a lot of people cheering for us from the sidelines and getting in the game with us along the way. I don't mean to overshadow that. But it's generally the darkness or the naysayers who can derail you of your vision. So get real clear on why it is you're doing what you're doing, what the desired and compelling future looks like. It'd be willing to tough it out because because if not you then who? And we always hear these quotes, like life doesn't happen to you, life happens for you. And I'm big into asking the question, whatever it is, you just went through, whatever it is, some of you are going through right now, or whatever it is, you're heading into, always ask the question, whatever this is, okay? How is this going to serve me in the future, you are not a victim. Life does not happen to you, it's happening for you. So what is the gift or the lesson, and sometimes it's not until later in life or hindsight that you can actually reveal what that is. But um, and I know I'm kind of getting on a soapbox here, a couple more quick things. Commitment versus interested is another big thing of ours interested is whatever, it's convenient. And I've got news for most of you, your success is no more convenient, and six months than it is today. I don't give a flying flip, who's in the White House, I don't care what the stock market's doing today. All of that is outside of my control to a reasonable degree. So I'm just going to do me and do it well, and let faith have have you know, overcome fear. And the last thing is making a decision so somebody listening to this right now might need to hear this. Any word was side in Cid means what? To kill off. Insecticide pesticide? In other words, right. So when I make a decision or decide, what am I killing off, I'm killing off complacency, doubt being average mediocrity, whatever it is for you, because you have decided, you are no longer just interested, you're a person of commitment, you're a person of integrity and a person of your word. So when you decide something, as an adult, make a freaking decision and stick to it. It may not be a perfect straight line. But if you do that, some of you it's just as easy as you walk away from this podcast. Actually making a decision once and for all.

Mike Swenson
Yeah, you know, I have to I wanted to chime in when you're talking about the chip on your shoulder, and kind of going back to sports, I always have to laugh. Whenever you see somebody win a championship. You know, they always talk about nobody believed in us every single championship, nobody believed in us. And even if they won the championship the previous year, nobody thought we could do it again. And if I if I do a three peat nobody believed we could do it for a third year. They're able to kind of manufacture that now some it's it's legit the chip on the shoulder, but you're not you're not walking through life, like angry at the world because you've got this chip on your shoulder. But it's so funny how people are able to take that and turn it into motivation. And, and it doesn't have to necessarily be like, I'm gonna stick it to this person, but it's going to be I'm going to take a step another day. And I'm going to continue to do this another day instead of quitting that day. And it's kind of that piece is how you're going to pile up wins and pile up good days versus bad days. It's that not giving up mentality. But I always have to laugh whenever you listen to that championship speech. And nobody believed in us, like how could every every championship that I've ever watched, have the message of nobody believed in us, like you, you won the championship, you you went, you know, you went 10 wins in a row. And yet nobody believed in you. How does that happen? You know, it's funny, it's

Jake Dixon
So well said, you summarise it perfectly. Man, you're right, I don't walk around, like spent wasting energy looking for a fight or being combative. Not at all. And so exactly how you said it is turned into motivation. Yeah, 100% 100, because you're gonna get those keyboard warriors, we all have them. Some of you are not posting or being as visible and things as you should, because you're worried about that one keyboard warrior, who has something to say on a post of yours versus the other 50 Who would have felt so inspired and championing you will all along the way.

Mike Swenson
And I love what you said in terms of, of, you know, deciding and making a decision, I think that's what's kind of mentally, what can challenge some people is, if you've got one foot on in the boat, and you've got one foot on the dock, the hard thing is, is when something gets tough, you're just going to pop that foot off the boat and stay on the dock. And that's the challenge, like for people part time going into real estate, or people that are still kind of getting their feet wet is, is you're kind of mentally showing up, like I've got one foot in one footnote, that doesn't mean that you don't have another option at your disposal or a backup option. But the hard thing is, is you don't fully go all in when you kind of have one foot in one foot out. And I think that hinders people from going all in and real estate, or committing to go into it for a lifetime versus Hey, I tried it for two years. And now I'm like, 87% of the people that didn't make it.

Jake Dixon
You nailed it. I mean, there's, it's perfectly said Yes, exactly. All of that.

Mike Swenson
Well, Jake, thanks. Thanks so much for coming on and sharing your wisdom for people that want to learn more about the locker room. How can they do so?

Speaker 2
Yeah, sure, you can follow us on all the social media channels. We're everywhere on Facebook and Instagram and all that. Just look up the locker room and I'm sure you'll find it or you can of course, go to our website, TLRnation.com and we've got our big conference coming up in August of this year. So if anybody's jonesing to get in person and connect on a on a more authentic level, we'd love to have you check that out and you can find that on our website.

Mike Swenson
Awesome. Thank you Jake so much for coming on and sharing your wisdom and best of luck to you in the future.


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